Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Media Bias – is promoting terrorism – Lives are at stake - by YJ Draiman

Media Bias – is promoting terrorism – Lives are at stake

It is interesting to note that all the major TV and media show the damage in Gaza and interview Arab-Palestinians who are part of Hamas a terrorist organization affiliated with those terrorists that hijacked 4 Airliners that blew up the Twin Towers World Trade Center in 9.11 2001 and killed 3000 Americans. One Airliner Crashed into the Pentagon in
Virginia and one Airliner was forced to crash in Pennsylvania by the passengers, avoiding a crash on the White House in Washington D.C. How many more American lives and other innocents must be sacrificed before you wake up to the increasing danger to world peace.
They are not telling that it is Hamas-Gaza a terrorist organization that is bombarding
Israel with 100’s of missiles daily.
It is only
Israel responding and defending itself and protecting its population from the bullies Hamas in Gaza.
The atrocities committed by Hamas and other terrorist organization must not be condoned or placated by anybody.
If the Media is looking for sensationalism let them look elsewhere – their favorable reports on the terrorists only breeds more terror and endanger the whole world. This is exactly what the terrorists want is your coverage, they lie, they cheat, they display to the world false pictures from other conflicts in order to buy the worlds sympathy.
I assure you it will not work. There are powers in the world who fight terrorism with every breath and resource that is available to them. – NEVER AGAIN – Americans and the world must not tolerate terrorism at all costs or we are doomed. I would like to see if the reporter and his family were being attacked daily by missiles, how would they react. I can assure you, they would yell and scream, how come our government is not protecting us.
This is a very irresponsible Media which must be strongly reprimanded if not fired and sanctioned.
I think the advertisers should be notified and advised to cut off advertising and revenues to such Media.
I urge you to start practicing responsible accurate and unbiased-balanced Journalism. Lives are at stake.

YJ Draiman 

P.S. The mainstream media has its own agenda. They do not want to print the facts. They have an agenda, they have a slant, they have a bias. It is outrageous to me.

The Consequences of Appeasement by YJ Draiman

The Consequences of Appeasement

The decisions made by the government of Israel since The six day war of 1967 leading up to today’s Gaza war with Hamas July 2014, as well as those of the first ten months or so after the turnover of Gaza in 2004 began, have dumbfounded historians ever since. The appeasement of
Israel to the Arabs-Palestinians, in particular, has been so often held up as an example of how not to deal with a rising terrorism that it has become a stereotype.
Israel stood its ground and responded to terrorism or any violence with utmost force. Israel would not be facing today’s crisis.
As many have said – appeasement, concessions and lack of proper response to terrorism is detrimental to 
Israel and its people and the Jewish people worldwide.
What the Arabs could not win in a war they won in playing the peace game, all the while building up arsenals and educating their children to hate and to destroy Israel. While enriching their own pockets with the billions contributed by the world to help the impoverished Arab-Palestinian.
What a scheme – and the gullible world is buying it hook line and sinker.
When will the World learn that the Arabs cannot be trusted, I hope before the Arabs take over 
Europe and than the United States and Canada.

YJ Draiman


Churchill’s Quote On The Lunacy Of Appeasement Is So Relevant Right Now


Monday, January 19, 2015

Do you want to know what terror is? by YJ Draiman

Do you want to know what terror is? by YJ Draiman

Ask the Englishmen who witnessed the bombing of London by the Germans V2 missiles during World War 2. The English and the Americans responded by sending thousands of bombers on a daily basis and turned German cities into rubble.
Over 1000 rockets have been fired into Israel‘s largest cities including Tel Aviv and Jerusalem this past 10 days.
5 million Israeli civilians plus are living under fire or in bomb shelters.
No country in the world would remain passive in the face of hundreds of rockets targeting her cities – Israel is no exception.
Could Americans visualize 1000 missiles coming across from Mexico what would America‘s response. Americans must realize, Israel is in the same situation – response must be immediate, forceful and complete, no holds barred. 
If it happened to any other country, the response would be destroy them at all costs, do not worry about collateral damage.
I know Russia‘s Putin would wipe them and their territory of the face of the earth – world opinion be dammed.
Israel must complete the job this time. Destroy Hamas, Fattah and all the terrorists once and for all. We do not want a repeat performance a few years from now – it will only get worse.
Hezbollah in Lebanon is already starting to shoot missiles at Israel.
Next in-line are the Iranians.
How about utilizing the laser weapon technology to destroy the rockets.
Do not even mention a cease fire – it is out of the question, until the terrorists and their infrastructure is turned into dust. All violence must be stopped. This is an all out war and unfortunately innocents suffer and pay a price.
Do not ask to make peace – peace with who Abbas, The Munich massacre murderer and Abbas the leader of the Palestinian authority who mastermind of The ACHILLE LAURO HIJACKING and murder of an elderly man in a wheelchair. Abbas has a murder conviction with life in prison, he is an escaped convict.

YJ Draiman 

It takes more guts to make peace than to make war by YJ Draiman

It takes more guts to make peace than to make war
Making peace is harder than making war.
Can humanity overcome the urge to make war and pursue peace
Tolerance and peace is a two way street.
If you want peace and economic prosperity, both sides, show your resolve by taking bold actions, showing your determination to the benefit of all the people. You can accomplish more with honey than with vinegar.
We must pursue peace with passionate determination and vigor but we must have all parties desire for true peace.
A true and lasting peace in Israel and the Middle East will establish an economic prosperity of which the world has never experienced and all the people in the region will benefit from a true peace. Do not waste your time and money in promoting war and hostility. The people in power must utilize the resources and manpower to the economic advancement of all the people, this will promote tranquility in a region that has known strife for centuries. The leaders have to utilize funding to enhance education and promote innovation.
It is neither a culture of confrontation nor a culture of conflict which builds harmony within and between peoples, but rather a culture of encounter and a culture of dialogue; this is the only way to peace. We should require each party in this conflict to listen to the voice of their own conscience, not to close themselves in solely on their own interests, but rather to look at each other as brothers and decisively and courageously to follow the path of encounter and negotiation, and so overcome blind conflict.
The “greatest contribution to a sound and continuing peace in the Middle East would result from the development of trade and other economic relationships between Israel and the Arab countries. When nations are making progress and peoples’ opportunities for rising living standards are favorable, it is more likely that they will concern themselves with constructive achievements rather than with hostility and war.”
Israel has the talent, technology and skills and by now the experience of dealing with the environment and the resources in the Middle East which are readily transferable. Therefore, it is entirely realistic to expect prompt and major developments in the Arab countries under peaceful and normal relations in that region,” “Israel’s economic growth is reasonably assured under any circumstances but only if she could divert the hundreds of millions of dollars now devoted to defense efforts could she not only speed her own development but also play a positive role in helping the economic expansion of the entire region.”
YJ Draiman
P.S. “When I say it's you I like, I'm talking about that part of you that knows that life is far more than anything you can ever see or hear or touch. That deep part of you that allows you to stand for those things without which humankind cannot survive. Love that conquers hate, peace that rises triumphant over war, and justice that proves more powerful than greed.” 

Terrorism, with enough will and determination can be quashed! by YJ Draiman

Terrorism, with enough will and determination can be quashed!
Demonstration of a million people against terrorism is nice, but it is only the initial action. In the past generation terrorism has escalated and is now accelerating beyond control.
The real demand by the masses of the free world is to call for, that immediate action with force and unrestricted international cooperation to fight, crush and eliminate terrorism.
The terrorist infrastructure and financing must be eliminated. Let the terrorists know under no circumstances that terror and violence will not be tolerated. 
Let the leaders and politicians know that if they do not go after terrorism in earnest without personal political reasons, that they will not be elected again. This is no time for politicking, but actions and results, the future of the world as we know it, depends on it.
Put all politics aside - fighting and quashing terrorism is a matter of world survival.
The world needs to put together immediately an International task forces to fight terrorism and Muslim extremists. It needs to be a well trained force with substantial resources and manpower as well as an International intelligence cooperation with no restriction. It has to be a unified and cohesive battle to abolish terrorism at all costs.
Let the terrorists know that there is no hole they can hide in, that the world terrorist task force and other law enforcement agencies will get them wherever they are. We must shut off all their resources, financing, financial institutions  and any source that supply them with any kind of support; weaponry, economic, information, etc. whatsoever.
I urge the world powers at large to take these terrorist events seriously with utmost urgency. The situation is at a critical stage and if immediate all out action is not taken in all parts of the world, terror and mayhem will take over the world and we will not be able to stop it. 
Just imagine if one of those terrorist got a hold of a nuclear suitcase bomb. Do I need to describe it any further. 
Is there a leader today (please stand up) in the free world who can take the bull by the horn and initiate this global war on terrorism.
YJ Draiman
P.S. Fighting terrorism is not unlike fighting a deadly cancer. It can not be treated just where it is visible - every diseased cell in the body must be destroyed.

Israel does not have to defend its' legitimacy! r3 by YJ Draiman

Israel does not have to defend its' legitimacy! r3
Israel's rights to the land is ingrained in history, archeological findings, international law and possession. Just like the Arab States have not been required to defend their legitimacy, Israel should also not be required to defend its' legitimacy.   The 21 Arab States and the State of Israel were set up by the Allied Powers after WWI, when the Ottoman Empire relinquished its title to the territories to the Allied Powers. The British were assigned as trustee for the Jewish people to help reconstitute the Jewish State as Implemented by the San Remo Treaty of 1920.  The San Remo Treaty adopted the Balfour Declaration of 1917. Of importance is the fact treaty terms and documents prove there was no state allocation of land to any other people or nation other than the Jewish people in Israel.  It should also be noted the League of Nations set up the Mandate for Palestine as a State for the Jewish people with exclusive political rights.
The Jewish people who lived in Israel for over 4,000 had additional Jewish immigration in the mid 1800. The local Jewish people with the infusion of more Jewish immigration, resources, funding and with the explicit permission by the Ottoman government, started developing the land. Within a short time the Jewish people started turning the desert and desolation into green pastures, thus, building an economy, agriculture, housing and industry. Many Arabs from neighboring depressed states who viewed this development as an opportunity for work and an improved standard of living, came to work in Palestine.
Over the past 68 years Israel has become a thriving nation with exemplary innovation in education, technology, high tech industry and medicine.  Many nations admire Israel's outstanding development and innovation. Israel has always been extending a helping hand to any nation that wants to learn and advance in industry, technology and medicine.
The Arab-Palestinians saw an opportunity to get land and a country that was developed and flourished by the Jewish people. They decided that through intimidation, harassment and violence to usurp the Jewish habitants into capitulating to their scheme of an Arab-Palestinian State on Land allocated to the Jewish people . The Arab-Palestinians live on charity from the nations of the world. They are unwilling to help themselves. After the 1967 war when Israel defeated the 5 Arab armies who tried to destroy it, Israel started employing many of the Arabs in the liberated Jewish territory, educating them in agriculture and water resources. In the following years the standard of living of the Arabs jumped 5 fold and more, and their economy and housing blossomed. When the terrorist organization entered the picture and instigated the Arab population to start terror and violence against the Israelis, the economic advancement was slowed down if not halted. The dire predicament of the Arab-Palestinians is of their own making.
If you look at Arab land it is desolate and barren, with few exceptions.  At the same time, the Jewish land is blooming and developing at an accelerated tempo. The Arabs, rather than follow the example set by Israel, tried to take the Jewish land by force and lost 4 wars in a span of 25 years.
The Arab-Palestinians current actions in the political and legal arena is a result of losing 4 wars and various battles with Israel. They not only could not win ground, but in fact have caused themselves a downward spiral toward economic desolation. 
The Arab-Palestinians have switched tactics and have now gained more ground and concessions by playing the peace game. The Arab-Palestinians obfuscation and disinformation campaign along with various pleadings in front of the U.N. and other International bodies has gained them more inroads. The power of oil and the Arab Countries, who do not want the Arab-Palestinians to return to their countries, are helping them promote the false information, and utilizing their numerical control in the U.N. to pass any resolution that they deem necessary to advance their cause.
Money, power and greed promoted hate and anti-Semitism by the Arabs in order to force Israel into surrendering territory to the Arab-Palestinians. The Arabs are trying to initiate land piracy camouflaged as legal rights to the land of Israel.
Jewish resistance to persecution by the Arabs and the world at large:  Any level headed individual would think that after WWII and the 6 million Jews exterminated in the Holocaust (plus another 5 million of other ethnic groups) would diminish, if not eliminate anti-Semitism and baseless hatred. It seems that no matter the amount of unwarranted persecution, and no matter the sacrifices the Jewish people have endured through the ages, Anti-Semitism continues to raise its ugly head.
The Media is guilty of escalating hostilities and violence in Israel and elsewhere.      The Media has a responsibility to deliver fair and unbiased reporting. They influence the information that people rely on. It is an awesome responsibility and it must be handled with factual un-slanted reporting. Peoples lives depend on it; maybe yours or someone you love.                                                                                                                           I would like your comments and input.                                                                                                                       
The affects on the world at large:  Has humanity lost its values and fairness? The answer is no.  In order to lose something, one must first possess it and the truth is, the world has never had total control of values and fairness. In today's world, where money and power is pursued at all costs (see Machiavelli) , the core family unit is disintegrating and family values deteriorating. Honesty, integrity and fair-play seem to be a thing of the past. Where are we as human beings of the 21st century heading? Obviously downward.
Take some time to reflect on the truth of what is stated here. Do you really want this kind of world for your children? Senseless hate and destruction must not be tolerated. I urge you to wake up, take the bull by the horn and pursue a path of correction, or we are doomed as a civilized people.
YJ Draiman

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Obama’s relations with Israel and other Nations - by YJ Draiman

Obama’s relations with Israel and other Nations - by YJ Draiman

Obama’s relations with Israel and other Nations

Obama’s relations with Israel and other Nations!
Obama has no respect from many of the International community. Obama has no credibility. He has the least experience in real politics. He is the worst president the 
U.S. has ever had.
Obama has alienated many nations and has caused foreign policy damage that is costing the American taxpayer trillions.
Obama has abused his executive powers and should be prosecuted for his violations. Obama is ignoring the true sovereignty of the Jewish people in Israel and the various treaties and international agreements entered into after WWI and the various congressional  resolutions on behalf ofIsrael and the Jewish people since WWI. Obama’s blatant disrespect of Netanyahu and Israel’s International legitimate rights shows his naivety in International matters and foreign policy.
Obama’s lack of etiquette is an outright embarrassment to the United States.
Natanyahu is trying his best, but he will not compromise the security of 
Israel and that is the way a leader should perform.
It is interesting to note, that Jordan is a country that never existed in history before WWI and nobody is contesting its legitimacy or territorial sovereignty and control. The same powers that established 21 Arab States plus Jordan after WWI, established the State of Israel based on the Balfour Declaration and the San Remo Treaty of 1920.
On the other hand, Israel and its Jewish people have over 4,000 years of history.
Many nations and people are questioning Israel’s control of its liberated territory. No one is mentioning that the Arab countries had ejected about a million Jewish people from their countries, confiscated their homes and assets to the tune of over 990 billion dollars and over 650,00 of these Jewish people were resettled in Greater Israel. The assets and Land the Arab countries confiscated from the Jewish people 120,000 sq. km. which is over 5-6 times the size of Israel, and is valued in the trillions of dollars.
Let the 21 Arab countries resettle the Arab Palestinians in the land they confiscated from the Jews which is 5-6 times the size of Israel. Provide them with funds they confiscated from the million Jewish people they expelled and let them build an economy, This will benefit both the Arab-Palestinians and the hosting countries, The other alternative is relocate the Arab-Palestinians to Jordan, (originally land allocated for the Jewish people) which is already 80% Arab-Palestinians, and give them funds to relocate and build an economy. This will solve the Arab-Palestinians refugee problem once and for all. It will also reduce hostility and strife in the region.
If this is not discrimination against Israel, I do not know what is.
It seems like nobody cares about land violations in other countries in the world, but when it comes to 
Israel, everyone has a say. Israel’s rights in the terms of the treaty of San Remo of 1920 are in affect in perpetuity. It clearly states that the Jewish people are the only ones with political rights in the British Mandate of Palestine and that the Jewish people can live anywhere in the British Mandate.
If the 
U.S.Europe and other countries will stop meddling, and stop its criticism and involvement in the politics of Israel and the Arabs, than there will be a chance for peace.
We know the great powers are only interested in the OIL and nothing else, that is the bottom line.
A true and lasting peace in Israel will bring mammoth economic prosperity to The Israelis and The Arabs alike.
An approach to peace starts by teaching the Arab-Palestinian children and the people not to hate and condemn any acts of violence that hurts civilian populations and stop celebrating and rewarding the death and destruction of each other.
YJ Draiman
No Jew has the right to yield the rights of the Jewish People in Israel –
David Ben Gurion
(David Ben-Gurion was the first Prime Minister of Israel and widely hailed as the State’s main founder).
“No Jew is entitled to give up the right of establishing [i.e. settling] the Jewish Nation in all of the Land of Israel. No Jewish body has such power. Not even all the Jews alive today [i.e. the entire Jewish People] have the power to cede any part of the country or homeland whatsoever. This is a right vouchsafed or reserved for the Jewish Nation throughout all generations. This right cannot be lost or expropriated under any condition or circumstance. Even if at some particular time, there are those who declare that they are relinquishing this right, they have no power nor competence to deprive coming generations of this right. The Jewish nation is neither bound nor governed by such a waiver or renunciation. Our right to the whole of this country is valid, in force and endures forever. And until the Final Redemption has come, we will not budge from this historic right.”
at the Basle Session of the 20th Zionist Congress at 
Zurich (1937)
“No country in the world exists today by virtue of its ‘right’.
All countries exist today by virtue of their ability to defend themselves against those who seek their destruction.”
“Man can live about forty days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air, but only for one second without hope”
“The Jews are a peculiar people: Things permitted to other nations are forbidden to the Jews.
Other nations drive out thousands, even millions of people, and there is no refugee problem.Russia did it. Poland and Czechoslovakia did it.Turkey threw out a million Greeks and Algeria a million Frenchmen. Indonesia threw out heaven knows how many Chinese–and no one says a word about refugees.
But in the case of Israel, the displaced Arabs have become eternal refugees. Everyone insists that Israel must take back every single Arab. How about the million Jewish refugees from Arab countries who lost 120,000 sq. km. of land and assets valued in the trillions of dollars. Other nations when victorious on the battlefield dictate peace terms. But when Israel is victorious it must sue for peace and sacrifice its security by conceding land for peace which makes the situation worse.

Everyone expects the Jews to be the only real “Christians” in this world.”

Greater Israel belongs to the Jewish people under International Law! by YJ Draiman

Greater Israel belongs to the Jewish people under International Law! by YJ Draiman

Greater Israel belongs to the Jewish people under International Law!
The Jewish People’s historical right to the land of Greater Israel had been recognized by the international community and upheld by the rule of public international law.
Any view that contradicts this statement is pure distortion of the facts and history.
Israel is not obliged to support the creation of an Arab state west of the Jordan river alongside Israel and it must not concede to any such arrangement or the security and survival of Israelwill be compromised.
The Oslo Agreements were made with a view to enhance “a just, lasting and comprehensive peace.” Yet, since their coming into effect the Middle East has witnessed not peace but violence of the worst kind in recent history. As of today the Oslo agreement is null and void. The Arab Palestinians have not lived up to any of the agreement. The Arab Palestinians promote, preach and teach their children and the masses to create terror, violence and suicide bombing. Their only goal is the destruction of the Jewish State, read the Palestinian and Hamas Charter.
The establishment of the Palestinian Authority should serve as a “guide to the bewildered” of the grave risks posed by such an Arab State, which may eventually lead to the destruction of the Jewish State. Any land for peace compromise by Israel has made the situation worse. Sadly, appeasement and concessions by Israel only aggravated the situation and increased violence.Israel must stand its ground, resist unjust world pressure and protect its citizens at all costs. Any concessions by Israel will only make the situation worse and bring about more violence and death, as the past experience has proven.
Under public international law, 
Israel is entitled to diligently encourage and promote close Jewish settlement of the land of Israel, thereby realizing the principles set out by the San Remo Treaty of 1920 and the League of Nations in the original Mandate document. In 1922 in violation of the treaty, the British gave away 80% of the land allocated to the Jewish people and gave it to the Arabs to set-up a state that never existed in history. (The British wanted to protect their oil interests).
In addition at that time, the Allied powers also set up 21 Arab States and one Jewish State. If you questions Israel's borders, you must question the 21 Arab States borders and Jordan.
It is also important to address the expulsion of over a million Jewish people from the Arab countries and the confiscation of assets, businesses, home and land owned by Jewish people in the Arab countries, totaling 120,000 sq. km. (5-6 times the size of Israel) valued in the trillions of dollars. 
The Jewish people resettled the million Jewish refugees from the Arab countries. It is about time the Arab countries who expelled the million Jewish people, must resettle the Arab-Palestinian refugees once and for all without compromising Israel and bring about peace and tranquility to the region.
Neither the U.N. nor any Country in the world has the authority to create a state or dissolve a state, (check the U.N. charter and international law.)
A true peace will bring about an economic boom to the region of which the world has never seen before. It will raise the standard of living for all the people in the Middle East and accelerate peace and harmony.

It will also divert the billions of dollars invested in war materials to be used to advance the economy, medical and social services and more.

When we look at Jewish history, we see a history where the Jewish people have defied the laws of nature and the laws of history!

When we look at Jewish history, we see a history where the Jewish people have defied the laws of nature and the laws of history! We have survived and impacted this world though we have been thrown out of our land not once, but twice! We have impacted the world perhaps more than any other people in history—the concepts of the value of human life, universal education, justice and equality, the importance of and goal of world peace (as opposed to glorifying war), the importance of a strong stable family as a basis for a moral foundation for society, individual and national responsibility for the world—though we were beaten, killed and exiled from one nation to the other. Though few in number and spread to the four corners of the earth, we survived as a people, never assimilating into anonymity. Even our land, the Land of Israel, defied the laws of nature, only fertile when the Jewish people inhabited it.
Coincidence? Good luck? A roll of the dice? Perhaps—except that each and every phenomena was prophesied and predicted in the Torah hundreds and thousands of years before the events. Does it make you think that perhaps something is going on here? That perhaps there is a special relationship between the Almighty and the Jewish people?
The Almighty, the Jewish people and the Torah are intertwined. In the past 3,300 years there have been effort after effort—from within as well as from without—to redefine and redirect our people. Each and every one has failed. If you wonder why, then perhaps the time has come to read the Torah and find out.  The Torah is not only our heritage, it is the game plan for the Jewish people and the world.

The most obvious and dangerous cause of conflict and instability in the Middle East is the so-called peace process itself by YJ Draiman

The most obvious and dangerous cause of conflict and instability in the Middle East is the so-called peace process itself

Let me advance an interesting opinion: The most dangerous cause of instability in the Middle East is the so-called peace process itself.
I know this is an unusual point of view. Give me a chance to describe my theory.
By my count, there have been at least 25 major outbursts of violence between Jews and Arab-Palestinians in the Middle East since 1920.
Every one of these conflicts ended in a similar way. Either outside powers imposed a ceasefire -- or else Israel halted military operations, before the campaign was accomplished and just before a ceasefire could be imposed.
Every one of these conflicts began in a similar way, too: with a renewed attack by the Arab side, or else (as in 1956 or 1967) by Arab violations of the terms of the previous armistice or ceasefire and a blockade in the Suez Canal.
Think for a minute how unusual this is. Wars usually end when one side or the other decides it cannot continue fighting. The losing side accepts terms it had formerly deemed unacceptable because the alternative -- continued fighting -- seems even worse. Wherever have you heard the vanquished calling the terms.
I doubt many Hungarians are delighted to have lost more than half their territory to neighbors in Romania and the former Yugoslavia. The Bolivians still remember the loss of their Pacific coast to Chile in 1884. Some in Indonesia continue to regard East Timor as rightfully theirs.
Yet for the most part, these nations have reconciled themselves to these unwelcome outcomes.
Exactly the opposite has occurred in the Arab-Israeli dispute.
Egypt lost the Sinai Peninsula in 1956, but got it back by pressuring Israel. It lost the Sinai again in 1967, and again recovered it (although this time the right way, after signing a formal peace). I might mention that when Egypt gained its independence, it did not include the Sinai.
Syria lost the Golan in 1967, attacked Israel in 1973, lost again -- and still demands the return of the territory.
Arab-Palestinians rejected the 1947 partition, resorted to war, lost, and to this day demand compensation for their losses.
It is like a game of roulette where the management stops the game whenever you begin losing too badly, with promises to refund your money as soon as it conveniently can. What gambler could resist returning to the tables?
I understand why Western governments have acted as they have. They have feared that unless they somehow smooth the situation, the world oil market will be upset and radical ideologies will spread through the Islamic world. Just like the Arab oil embargo of 1973.
What they do not see is that their efforts to contain the problem have in fact aggravated it, and accelerated the hostilities by the Arabs.
Think of this alternative history:
Suppose that the Western world had not intervened in 1949. Suppose the Israeli war of independence had been fought to the bitter end: Arab armies breaking apart and fleeing, as they have in the past, commanders laying down their arms, columns of refugees crossing the Jordan River.
The 1949 war would have ended not with an armistice, but with a surrender. Arab-Palestinian refugees would have had to settle in new homes, just as the million Jews expelled from their former homes in the Arab lands resettled in Israel.
The outcome would have squelched any hope that more fighting would have yielded a different result -- and the more decisive result might have dissuaded Arab governments from any further attempts to resort to force.
Now Think of another scenario.
In the 1990's, the former Yugoslavia erupted into war. New states with new borders were carved out of the old country. Hundreds of thousands of people were displaced. Horrific atrocities were committed. Happily, the conflict end. The displaced adjusted to life in their new homes. Former enemies may still mistrust each other, but violence has faded and seems unlikely to return.
Suppose instead the world had agreed that one of the combatant ethnic groups -- the Serbs, say, but it really does not matter -- retained a permanent inextinguishable right to reclaim its former homes with all its new offspring's. Suppose the world agreed to pay displaced persons from that group billions in foreign aid on condition that they never permanently resettled in the territory to which the ethnic group had moved. Suppose the world tolerated Serbian terrorist attacks on Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo as understandable reactions to injustice. The conflict and violence would continue.
Would there be peace in the former Yugoslavia today?
The Middle East peacemakers for the most part act with the highest of intentions and the most exquisite patience. But instead of extinguishing the conflict, they have prolonged it. A peace process intended to insulate the Arab world from the pain of defeat has condemned the Arab world -- and the Arab-Palestinian people above all -- to an unending war, which is initiated by the Arabs.
Every war must end -- and end badly for at least one of the belligerents. It is time for this war to end too, and at last. May the victor be merciful.